Thursday, July 12, 2007

Islam a peaceful religion? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn?

Islam is a peaceful religion. Everyone from the Bush administration to Congress to the media is saying it. But does anyone, including the Muslims themselves truly believe it? And whether they believe it or not is immaterial. What matters are the facts. And the fact are that Islam in the 20th and early 21st Centuries is the most violent and intolerant religion on the planet. Yes, they even beat out Pat Robertson in the tolerance category. People keep saying that it is a peaceful religion. But the same people also say Hillary Clinton is good for America. Stalin said that if you repeat a lie enough it becomes the truth. We have seen this with the “Bush lied, people died!” types. We have seen this with global warming. Many people on the left still hold Pres Bush personally responsible for hurricane Katrina. Not the aftermath but the storm itself.

There have been many critics of the fundamentalist Christian movement in this country. But on no occasion has any church leader went on FOX News and demanded that that person be executed, by beheading if possible. But the leaders of Islam waste no time to stick their bearded faces in a willing camera and call for the deaths of those that criticize them. Swaggert, Robertson, and Falwell have said some crazy things in the past to be sure. But to actually call for the murder of someone just because they happen to disagree with them would be beyond what they are capable of doing. This is because as Christians (arguably the wacko flavor) they have a culturally ingrained respect for human life. The Imans of Islam have no respect for non Muslim human life and very little more for Muslims. They use their religion to convince children that they need to kill Jews. We have seen many times on TV young Arab children as young as 4 or 5 saying that they want to kill Jews or blow themselves up to kill Jews or Americans.

There can be no negotiation with people like that. You either have to kill them or let them kill you. A recent NYT (if it is true) says that the US invasion of Iraq has created more terrorists. Iraq is a bug light for terrorists. They are concentrating in one place and we are killing them by the dozens. Yes there have been losses but nothing compared to what the potential loss of life will be if we just wait for them to attack us. 3000 plus in one day. And it can happen again. All it would take would be a pro terrorist Democrat (redundant) to be elected Pres and decide that we need to understand their anger and we need to stop doing what ever it is that is upsetting them. Well, there is no need to understand them and the reason we are upsetting them is that we refuse to live in the 14th century with them. And the only way they will leave us alone is if we join them.

I often wonder how we would of fared if during World War Two the Republicans had helped the Nazis and the Japanese as much as the Democrats and the liberal press (NYT, Wash Post, Time, CNN etc...) have helped the Islamic terrorists. I can see Wendell Willkie accusing FDR of mistreating German U Boat crewman by keeping them in a separate prison camp so they could be more closely monitored and “interviewed”. Headline May 1942 “US has broken U-Boat code” May 1943 “US developing weapons of mass destruction.” 4 June 1944 Sunday New York Times headline. “Invasion of France set for Monday or Tuesday depending on weather” Unnamed sources state that the invasion will be in Normandy and not the Pais de Calis as originally thought.

That my friends is what the terrorist loving Democrats are doing to our war effort. If you like the socialist agenda of the dems, just remember that you cannot have gun control, cradle to grave welfare for all citizens if they whole f&%$#ng country is on fire from one end to the other.


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